SIMP (Società Italiana Mineralogia e Petrografia) sponsorship to the meeting are now allocated!
To assist 3 young scientists to attend the school, SIMP offers 3 voucers of 500 euro each to cover all expenses to attend the school!
The following applicants have been selected as recipients of the SIMP sponsorship:
Dr. Matteo Giordani
Dr. Luciana Mantovani
Dott. Jasmine Rita Petriglieri
The selection has been based on the following parameters that were evaluated from the c.v. submitted by the candidates (eventually cross checked with the Scopus databases*): number of publications*;
number of citations*; number of presentations at national and international conferences/congresses; number of awards/rewards at national and international level. The offer of this grant is subject to the agreement that the applicants will regularly attend the school and are in possess of regular membership at SIMP for the current year.
The Chair of the EMU 2017 school
Prof. Alessandro F. Gualtieri