Final Scientific Programme
Day 1 – Monday June 19
8.00-9.00 Registration
9.00-9.30 Welcome to the EMU 2017 school
-prof. A.F. Gualtieri (Italy), Chair
-prof. M. Saladini (Italy), Principal Chemistry and Earth Sciences Dept.
-prof. A.O. Andrisano (Italy), Dean UNIMORE
-prof. S. Ferrari (Italy), UNIMORE Vice Dean delegate internationalisation
-prof. G. Ghermandi (Italy), representative FCRM
-prof. R. Oberti (Italy), representative EMU
Chair R. Oberti (Italy)
9.30-10.00 The realm of mineral fibres and the asbestos problem – A. Gualtieri (Italy)
PDF: Gualtieri1
10.00-10.45 Serpentine asbestos – E. Belluso (Italy)
PDF: Belluso1
10.45-11.15 coffee break
11.15-12.00 Amphibole asbestos: structure, properties, history – G. Della Ventura (Italy)
PDF: Della Ventura 1
12.00-12.30 Fibrous erionite: structure, properties, history – A. Gualtieri (Italy)
PDF: Gualtieri2
12.30-13.00 Is there a unique definition of mineral fibres? – D. Halterman (USA)
PDF: Halterman
13.00-14.00 lunch break
14.00-15.00 Introduction to the optical microscopy of mineral fibres, including MOCF – D. Halterman (USA)
PDF: Halterman2
15.00 15.30 coffee break
15.30-17.00 How to do it? Practical session on optical microscopy in the microscopy rooms of the Department – D. Halterman (USA) and O. Sala (Italy)
PDF: Sala
17.00-17.45 end of the day open discussion/summary
18.00-21.00 Welcome party with performance of the CORO DELL’INDACO di Reggio Emilia
Day 2 – Tuesday June 20
Chair A. Gualtieri (Italy)
9.00-10.00 techniques: X-ray diffraction – P. Ballirano (Italy)
10.00-11.00 How to do it? Practical session on XRPD – P. Ballirano (Italy), X-ray imaging – Fabrizio Bardelli (Italy)
11.00-11.30 coffee break
11.30-13.00 techniques: SEM – E. Belluso (Italy)
13.00-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-15.00 techniques: TEM – R. Vigliaturo (Slovenia)
PDF: Vigliaturo
15.00-15.30 Visit at C.I.G.S. UNIMORE
15.30-16.30 How to do it? Practical session on electron microscopy SEM with in situ FEG-SEM of mineral fibres and asbestos bodies in organic tissues – N. Bursi (Italy) and R. Vigliaturo (Slovenia)
16.30-17.30 end of the day plenary at the Physics Department: Asbestos related diseases: classification and history – D. Bernstein f. B. Case (Switzerland)
PDF: Bernstein1, Case_Bernstein
17.30-18.00 end of the day open discussion/summary at the Physics Department
18.30-20.30 Visit at the Ghirlandina tower
20.30-22.00 Social event
Day 3 – Wednesday June 21
Chair A. Pacella (Italy)
9.00-10.00 Vibrational spectroscopy of mineral fibres – G. Della Ventura (Italy)
PDF: Della Ventura 2
10.00-11.00 Iron spectroscopy of mineral fibres – G. Andreozzi (Italy)
PDF: Andreozzi1, Andreozzi2
11.00-11.30 coffee break
11.30-12.30 Natural occurring asbestos with special attention to erionite – M. Carbone (USA)
PDF: nrc2068
12.30-13.30 Dissolution in vitro vs. in vivo and biodurability of mineral fibres – D. Bernstein (Switzerland)
PDF: Bernstein2
13.30-14.30 lunch break
14.30-19.00 field trip: visit to a quarry exploiting a green stone, possibly contaminated with chrysotile asbestos. The quarry is cava del lago Valmozzola (Borgotaro, Parma) and belongs to the GRENTI group
See the web site:
(Organizers O. Sala, A. Pelosio).
19.00-22.00 Typical emilian dinner in a traditional restaurant
Day 4 – Thursday June 22
Chair A. Gualtieri (Italy)
9.00-10.00 Surface properties of mineral fibres: measurements and interpretation – F. Turci (Italy)
10.00-10.45 How to do it? Surface properties of mineral fibres – F. Turci (Italy)
PDF: Turci
10.45-11.15 coffee break
11.15-12.15 Dissolution in vitro of mineral fibres. Examples – A. Pacella (Italy)
PDF: Pacella
12.15 Departure to Istituto Ramazzini (Bentivoglio, BO)
13.30-14.30 lunch at the Istituto Ramazzini (Bentivoglio, BO)
14.30-15.30 In vivo studies of mineral fibres – F. Belpoggi (Italy)
PDF: Belpoggi
15.30-16.30 How to do it? Determination of the cancerogenicity of mineral fibres and visit at the Istituto Ramazzini (Bentivoglio, BO) – E. Tibaldi and F. Belpoggi (Italy)
16.30-17.30 Understanding the mechanisms of asbestos related diseases – H. Yang (USA)
PDF: Yang1
17.30-18.00 in vivo end of the day open discussion/summary
18.00 departure back to Modena
Day 5 – Friday June 23
Chair F. Turci (Italy)
9.00‐9.45 Epidemiological studies of asbestos related diseases – L. Fazzo (Italy)
PDF: Fazzo
9.45‐10.15 How to do it: In vitro cellular studies ‐ A. Pugnaloni (Italy)
PDF: Pugnaloni1, Pugnaloni2a, Pugnaloni2b
10.15‐10.45 Towards a general model to predict the toxicity of mineral fibres? ‐ A. Gualtieri (Italy)
PDF: Gualtieri3
10.45‐11.15 coffee break
11.15‐12.15 Genetic factors and carcinogenesis of mineral fibres ‐ M. Carbone (USA)
PDF: Carbone_2017_Weinman_Nature_CDD, see the Nature paper at:
12.15‐13.15 Biomarkers of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma – H. Yang (USA)
PDF: Yang2
13.15‐14.30 lunch break
14.30‐15.15 How to do it: in vitro and in vivo assessment of mineral fibres carcinogenicity – H. Yang (USA)
PDF: Yang3
15.15‐16.15 Future research trends, new fronts and expectations for mineral fibres. What in the next decade? Panel discussion open to the audience. Scientific panel M. Carbone (USA), B. Case (in remote session from Canada), D. Bernstein (Switzerland), A. Gualtieri (Italy)
PDF: Case
16.15‐16.30 Closing ceremony and acknowledgments
Download the program as PDF file: