EMU Notes

European Mineralogical Union

EMU Notes in Mineralogy – Volume 17 (2017)

Mineral fibres: crystal chemistry, chemical-physical properties, biological interaction and toxicity

Edited by Alessandro Francesco Gualtieri

Book plan

Chapter 1. Introduction

By A.F. Gualtieri (Italy)


Chapter 2. Crystal structure of mineral fibres

By P. Ballirano (Italy), A. Bloise (Italy), A.F. Gualtieri (Italy), M. Lezzerini, A. Pacella (Italy), N. Perchiazzi (Italy), M. Dogan (Turkey and USA), and A. U. Dogan (USA)


Chapter 3. Crystal habit of mineral fibres

By E. Belluso (Italy), A. Cavallo (Italy), D. Halterman USA)


Chapter 4. Bulk spectroscopy of mineral fibres

By G.B. Andreozzi (Italy), S. Pollastri (Italy)


Chapter 5. The analysis of asbestos minerals using vibrational spectroscopies (FTIR, Raman): crystal-chemistry, identification and environmental applications

By G. Della Ventura (Italy)


Chapter 6. Surface and bulk properties of mineral fibres relevant to toxicity

By F. Turci (Italy), M. Tomatis (Italy), A. Pacella (Italy)


Chapter 7. Thermal behaviour of mineral fibres

By A. Bloise (Italy), R. Kusiorowski (Poland), M. Lassinantti Gualtieri (Italy), A.F. Gualtieri (Italy)


Chapter 8. In vitro biological activity and mechanisms of carcinogenic diseases induced by mineral fibres

By B.T. Mossman (USA), A. Pugnaloni (Italy)


Chapter 9. In vivo biological activity of mineral fibres

By S. Capella (Italy), E. Belluso (Italy), N. Bursi (Italy), E. Tibaldi (Italy), D. Mandrioli (Italy), F. Belpoggi (Italy)


Chapter 10. Dissolution and biodurability of mineral fibres

By M. Rozalen (Spain), F. Huertas (Spain), A. Pacella (Italy), P. Ballirano (Italy)


Chapter 11. Epidemiological studies on mineral fibres

By B. Case (Canada), A. Marinaccio (Italy)


Chapter 12. Differential pathological response and pleural transport of mineral fibres

By D. Bernstein (Switzerland), E. Pavlisko (USA)


Chapter 13. Biological activities of asbestos and other carcinogenic mineral fibres

  1. Carbone (USA), H. Yang (USA)


Chapter 14. Insights into mineral fiber-induced lung epithelial cell toxicity and pulmonary fibrosis

By R. Jablonski (USA), S.J. Kim (USA), P. Cheresh (USA), D.W. Kamp (USA)


Chapter 15. Towards a general model to predict the toxicity and pathogenicity of mineral fibres

By A.F. Gualtieri (Italy), B.T. Mossman (USA), V.L. Roggli (USA)