IUCr sponsorship to young scientists

IUCr grants are now assigned!

To assist young scientists to attend the school, IUCr sponsorship to the meeting is granted!

the following applicants have been selected as recipients:

Clarissa Baldo
Hana Fajković
Lara Gigli
Connor Turvey

Each recipient will receive 750 euro.

The IUCr is a member of the International Council for Science, and adheres to its principles on the free circulation of scientists.  In this connection, the appended text of the IUCr Scientific Freedom Policy Statement is appended.  Also appended is information  about the International Visitors Office for meetings held in the USA.  The IUCr will be informed immediately if any problems arise concerning visas or any other kind of discrimination.

On behalf of:
M.H. Dacombe
Executive Secretary
IUCr – 2 Abbey Square Chester CH1 2HU UK
IUCr Committee: W. Depmeier, M.L. Hackert, L. Van Meervelt, S.S. Hasnain, M. Colquhoun, A.J. Sharpe, A.S. Berry, J. Agbenyega, M. Zema
IUCr Scientific Freedom Policy Statement
The Organizing Committee of this school observes the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirms the right and freedom of scientists to associate in international scientific activity without regard to such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, sex or age, in accordance with the Statutes of the International Council for Science. At this school, no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists.
August 18th, 2016 Modena, Italy Chair Alessandro F. Gualtieri

Visa applications for scientists visiting the USA

The Board on International Scientific Organizations has an International Visitors Office (IVO) that provides assistance to both conference organizers and to individual scientists wishing to obtain a visa to visit the United States.  You are therefore asked to inform non-US scientists wishing to attend your meeting about this IVO (http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/biso/visas/), which should be contacted by any scientist who has waited more than 21 days after a consulate interview to obtain a visa to visit the United States in order to obtain assistance. The IVO posts statistics on the process for scientists who have contacted them; the vast majority of applicants are successful in obtaining visas.